Art Week Tokyo 2023

MISA SHIN GALLERY will be participating in Art Week Tokyo 2023.
We will be open daily from 2 November until 5 November, including National holiday and Sunday.

On 4 November, we will invite Dr. Tomii Reiko, art historian from New York to talk about Hikosaka Naoyoshi’s works in the current exhibition “PWP: Practice by Wood Painting”. Please note that the talk will be in Japanese language.

Art Week Tokyo will feature AWT FOCUS, a new curated sales platform with a historical scope. The inaugural edition of AWT FOCUS is titled “Worlds in Balance: Art in Japan from the Postwar to the Present”, curated by Kenjiro Hosaka, Director of the Shiga Museum of Art, Otsu. The exhibition features works by Isozaki Arata and Shinoda Taro, among others.

Talk by Tomii Reiko (art historian)

Saturday, November 4, 16:00-17:00
*In Japanese-language only, no reservation required.

Art Week Tokyo 2023

Public Days: November 2–5, 2023
Preview Days: October 31–November 1, 2023

Worlds in Balance: Art in Japan from the Postwar to the Present
November 2–5, 10am–6pm
Venue: Okura Museum of Art, 2-10-3 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Participating artists from MISA SHIN GALLERY: Isozaki Arata, Shinoda Taro

For details, please refer to the AWT website.

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