Shingo Francis “Vast and Vivid”

Shingo Francis Vast and Vivid 2014
Installation view at MISA SHIN GALLERY
Photo: Keizo Kioku

Shingo Francis Vast and Vivid 2014
Installation view at MISA SHIN GALLERY
Photo: Keizo Kioku

Shingo Francis フランシス 真悟
Vast and Vivid
Date:Friday, October 17 – Saturday, December 13, 2014


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Shingo Francis, an artist who has pursued the possibilities of abstract paintings throughout his career, has a distinct style which incorporates deep blue monochrome coloring and vivid expressions of light.

His most well-known work, a series of paintings in deep blue monochrome, entails a rich spirituality. The pitch-black quality of Francis’ signature monochrome series, which has an entrancing effect upon the viewer, is created by applying multiple layers of paint which are in fact blue in color. The artist’s repetitive application of paint is observable upon close inspection. In Bound for Eternity, a painting resembling a strip of light, the monochrome coloring emits a liberating tone, bringing a sense of calm to the viewers’ heart.

Minimalistic expression, the signature style of Francis’ paintings, follows the movements of Abstract Expressionism by artists such as Ad Reinhardt and Barnett Newman, yet also pertains an elegance and tranquility rooted in Eastern philosophy. His sensibilities with color reflect heavily from his experience of growing up in the vastness and bright spaces of California.

At this exhibition we will be presenting works form Francis’ Bound for Eternity series and blue monochrome series, including new works.

Shingo Francis
Born 1969 in Santa Monica, California. Currently lives and works in New York and Yokohama, Japan. He received his Bachelor’s degree of Fine Arts from Pitzer College, Claremont, California in 1992. He explores the potential of abstract painting through his blue monochrome paintings and works focusing on line and light. He established a curatorial organization, Hatch in 1996, has organized exhibitions in Los Angeles and Yokohama. His major exhibitions include “Ties over Time” (Residence of the US ambassador to Japan, Tokyo), “The Unseen Relationship: Form and Abstraction” (DIC Kawamura Memorial Museum of Art, Chiba, Japan), “Kaleidoscope” (Lobby Gallery, Durst Organization, New York). His works are in collections including JP Morgan Chase Bank, Banco de Espana, Frederick R. Weiseman Art Foundation.


代表作である深い精神性を感じるモノクローム絵画のシリーズは、モノクロームでありながら何層にも絵具を重ねることによって得られる、吸い込まれるような透明感のある漆黒の闇をたたえており、アーテイストが幾度も試行を重ねた痕跡を残しています。また、光の帯を思わせる絵画Bound for Eternityにおいては、モノクロームの色彩から解放感に満ちた光が帯となってあふれ出し、その光はゆっくりと静かに観るものの心に満ちて行くような感覚を与えます。


本展では、フランシスのモノクローム絵画シリーズや、Bound for Eternityシリーズからの新作を含めた展示となる予定です。

フランシス 真悟
1969年カリフォルニア州サンタモニカ生まれ。1992年クレアモント、ピッツァーカレッジにてBFA(美術学士号)を取得。現在ニューヨークと横浜を拠点に活動。青のモノクローム絵画や光の帯を思わせるミニマルな表現の絵画を制作。1996年キュレーション団体Hatch Artを設立、ロサンゼルス、横浜で展覧会企画に携わる。2006年レジデンスArt Omi International(ニューヨーク)に参加。2010年「Ties over Time」(駐日米国大使館公邸、東京)、2012年「抽象と形態 何処までも顕れないもの」(DIC川村記念美術館、千葉)、2013年「Kaleidoscope」(ロビーギャラリー、ダースト財団、ニューヨーク)他、国内外の多数の個展、グループ展に参加。JPモルガン・チェース・アート・コレクション、スペイン銀行、フレデリック・R・ワイズマン財団などにコレクションとして収蔵。

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